Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chance to hear Mark Chase on Modeling a Soapstone Railroad

Those of you who missed Mark Chase's presentation on Modeling a Soapstone Railroad at the last JRD meet will have the opportunity to hear him again.  Mark will be speaking at the NRHS Rivanna Chapter meeting in Charlottesville on Tuesday July 17, 2012 at 7 PM.   The meeting is held at the Elks Lodge in Charlottesville.  A buffet dinner is optionally available at 6 PM for $14 during which Mark will have a slide show running.

Summary: We are fortunate to have here in Central Virginia such a diverse and interesting railroad heritage to provide inspiration for our railfanning and modeling. An example would be the unique and picturesque operations of the railroads that once served the soapstone industry in Albemarle and Nelson counties. My program examines Alberene Soapstone Company from the perspective of a model railroader searching for an engaging theme for a new model railroad.

If you need directions please click on Elks Lodge

1 comment:

  1. Phil-

    Thanks for the opportunity to give my presentation to such a knowledgeable and attentive group. Members of the Rivanna Chapter had a lot personal experience with the soapstone business in central Va. I need to get back with you and follow up on a few folks. Also, there is an excellent article on Alberene stone in the Fall 2011 Roanoke Valley Home magazine:



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  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...