Thursday, January 23, 2014

George Gaige's Layout Tour

George Gaige is one of our open house participants this meeting.  George won awards at last years NRMA National for black & white photos of his layout.   George was recently in the January 2014 Model Railroader Trackside Photos (page 90).  The HO Scale layout occupies almost the entire basement.  George will be open from 1 to 3 for JRD members and guests.  Directions will be given at the meeting.

Monday, January 20, 2014

JRD April Meeting Announcement

The April Meeting of the JRD will take on the 5th at Fort Hill UMC in Lynchburg, VA.  Details to Follow

Reminder of the Feb 8th Meeting

It is just over two weeks to the next JRD meeting on February 8th.  We will be meeting near Zion Crossroads at the Bybee's Road Baptist Church.  Details and Directions are found on the Meetings page.  There will be at least one open house after the meeting.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Next RPM meet in Valley Forge

Next RPM is in Valley Forge

The next RPM (Railway Prototype Modelers) meet in the MER is in Valley Forge, PA from March 28th to 30th.  This RPM rotates location so this time it is in eastern Pennsylvania.  For more information check out the RPM-Valley Forge site

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Prototype Meets and what people bring

Two of the major buzzes in the hobby today are RPM (Railway Prototype Modeler) meets and OPs sessions.  In this post I will talk about the first and leave OPs till later. The two largest RPM Meets are Cocoa Beach and Naperville as they are commonly discussed among the modelers.  These meets are not just for the super modelers though they attract some of the best.  You may have wondered what sort of models show up at these events.  One of the participants at the last weekends Cocoa Beach event has published his photos.  Take a look and think about what you can do.

Cocoa Beach Photos

Bring and Brag Table or more than the contest

There is more reasons to bring models than just the contest.  Not everyone does this sessions tractor trailer with a custom load as part of their modeling but we all do models.  This is why we have a "Bring, Show and Share" table.  The table is for you to bring a model, show the model and share what you have done. Pick something off the shelf and bring it.  If you don't think the model is particularly great but would like to improve it then bring as an improvement project and ask for suggestions.  We can all pick up new techniques and tips along with getting to know each other better through our models. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Earl Smallshaw Passes Away

Well known HO and HOn3 model railroader Earl Smallshaw passed away on January 3rd.  Earl was published in MR, RMC, LDSIG and NG&SLG and had given clinics at the 1993 NMRA national meet.  A short biography and a link to his layout site can be found here:

Our Condolences to his family

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...