Sunday, July 13, 2014

Working on the Buildings at the JRD HOW (Hands On Workshop) Event

The JRD held a clinic on Saturday July 12 to learn how to use both Vallejo and Dr Bragdon products to weather buildings.  Each method allows the modeler to improve the look of their building.  Bret Jones gave the clinic at the Rail Tales store in Charlottesville.

The picture below shows some of the products used at the Hands On Workshop (HOW)

Several JRD members brought buildings to have the chance to weather structures at the clinic and to ask questions while applying the products just demonstrated by Bret Jones of Rail Tales

Langdon Works on adding mortar lines to his building

Ken Montero wants to try a powder

Wayland asks some questions after the meeting

Chuck took home some new roofing material 

 Photos courtesy of Gerard Fitzgerald and Philip Taylor

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