Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Magazines

The passing of RMC has many of us mourning its passing but even in the time of despair there is hope.  There is a glimmer of hope that a new owner will re-invigorate both RMC and R&R.  Even so, we see growth in the new media which gives hope to new ideas and new modelers while increasing access to information to all.  There are a few new magazines in the last 5 years and a number that have been around even longer.  The real casualty in the market place is the general hobby print magazine.  We are now down to 2 of them MR and MRH.  Each of the other magazines are specialty magazines that cater to niches in the hobby.

What new magazines?  (less than 10 years old)

S Scale Resource (just getting ready to publish its first issue)

O Scale Resource

Model Railroad Hobbyist

Trackside Model Railroading

On30 Annual

HOn3 Annual

Older Magazines Still Publishing

O Scale Trains

Model Railroad News

Great Model Railroads

Model Railroad Planning

S Gaugian

Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette

N Scale Railroading

N Scale Magazine

Model Railroader

1 comment:

  1. You could also add the plethora of railroad specific magazines put out by the numerous historical societies. Many have a heavy modeling focus.

    Add to it the UK and Euro magazines, some of which I do subscribe.


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