Friday, January 30, 2015

New Web Address for the JRD

The JRD now has its own web address.

The web site will be updated and new features added.

Please check it out and update your bookmarks.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Great Meet in Fredericksburg

Thanks to all who came last Saturday to our division meet in Fredericksburg. We had a great turnout of 38 including several from neighboring divisions. In addition, I want to thank our 2 fine clinicians and our 3 hosts for open houses. We will meet again in March in Lynchburg.  Photos to follow!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Meeting of 2015

I hope everyone had a good Holiday Season and picked up some new trains!!  We are getting ready to have our first meeting of 2015 in just over a week.  This meeting will mark the JRDs first return to Fredericksburg for a meeting in recent memory.  I hope everyone is ready to get back into their trains.  Paul Dolkos will discuss his new layout which has been in the hobby press and several members of the division have actually operated on with great enjoyment.  Once you are inspired to build or finish your layout then Mike Garber will help you focus on a paint scheme to make those engines and cars look their best.  Hope to see your there.

Philip Taylor
JRD Superintendent

January 10, 2015 - Fredericksburg, VA
Time: Doors open at 0900 AM
0930: Mike Garber - Developing a paint scheme for your free lanced railroad.......or when is a "dip" paint job not the best scheme
1045: Paul Dolkos - Baltimore Harbor District
Layout Tours:3 Tours - Directions to be given at meet
Alan Bibb - 
Ken Mead
John Winters

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...