Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Positions Open

The JRD is in need of some help in certain areas.  If you feel inspired to assist in these areas please feel free to let Rick or Phil know that you are willing to help

Librarian - We need a librarian to step forward to take care of the 11 box library.  The lending library is an idea that we loan out items to help with developing our skills, knowledge or just for fun.  In the past the library was only one box and if that is all you are willing to care for then let us know that interest.  If no one steps forward we will proceed at the annual meeting with a final vote to dissolve the library and sell the contents with proceeds going to the JRD.

Crossties Editor - We are looking for a Crossties editor.  This position requires the production of a quarterly newsletter for the membership and the obtaining of the content for the newsletter.  If you are interested in this position please let Phil know soon.

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Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

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