Saturday, January 2, 2016

Timetable & Train Order Clinic Next Weekend on Saturday January 9th

Are you interested in operations?  Below is a summary of the clinic for next week along with a bio of our presenter.  We hope to see you in Fredwricksburg.   Click here for location and times

Timetable & Train Order Operation
By Steve King

This 3 ½ hour class will teach the basic timetable and train order operating rules used by prototype railroads to control the operation of trains into the 1960's.  The class will cover the key operating rules and then use those rules to simulate operation on a railroad.  Attendees will also copy a train order and prepare a clearance form.  Bring a pen or pencil, your thinking cap, and step back into the pre-CTC and pre-Track Warrant Control days of railroading.

Bio:  Steve has been a model railroader for over 60 years.  He grew up in Dayton (OH) with the opportunity to operate on the many great railroads of the time.  He was an operator and train dispatcher for the B&O and CB&Q in the early 1960’s before venturing off into other transportation pursuits, including almost twenty years in Chicago with United Airlines.  Steve’s model interest has always been focusd on operation and over the past 30-plus years on Timetable & Train Order operations.  He co-authored the Operation SIG TT&TO book, “19 East, Copy Three” and has authored numerous articles on the subject. 

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...