Saturday, October 8, 2016

New Challenges with Older Motive Power

As we are now about a month out from the next JRD meeting in Fredericksburg I am beginning to look forward to hearing Andrew Dodge on scratch building a steam locomotive.  Years ago building a steam locomotive from scratch was considered the pinnacle of craftsmanship and I still believe it represents the high end of the art form and craftsmanship.  You may be a modern modeler with a fleet of diesels but many roads at different times have had steam excursions.  Some like the 611 are available but others may not available to run that excursion train.  So if you want that train you will have to build it which is an intimidating prospect.  Andrew Dodge current stable of scratch built Proto 48 steam locomotives are his first scratch built locomotives.  This gives me hope that we can all do this type of construction with some commitment and determination.  It will be a challenge but who does not need a challenge to keep the hobby interesting?  Also, it may check off one of those Achievement Program requirements.  Come on November 12th and take on a new challenge.

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