Thursday, May 25, 2017

July Meeting Layout Tours

Layout Tour this Saturday July 8, 2107 in the Richmond, VA area

Our July Meet this year will be a layout tour with morning tours on the Southside of Richmond with maps for the morning only available at Todd's Hobbies beginning at 9AM. The morning tour will begin at 10AM and end at Noon

Morning Tour
Keith Prichard - Great Plains RR
Dick Munnikhuysen - Western Maryland Moseby Division 

For lunch we will gather around Noon or before at Arby's in Midlothian.  

Maps for the afternoon session on the Northside of Richmond will be session will be available at Todd's Hobbies at 1 pm.  The afternoon session will start at 130PM and end at 330PM.  

Afternoon Tour 

Craig Miller - Southern Railway (Miller Version)

This layout has not been toured by the JRD previously to my knowledge so come and see. 

This tour is open to all NMRA members.  If you are not a JRD member please bring your NMRA membership card.  Guests of members are welcome and should travel with members and are required to check in at Todd's Hobbies with their sponsoring member.

Next Zoom Hangouts

 Our next Hangouts will be on Saturday February 8th at 9AM and Wednesday February 12th at 7PM. Invitations will come via email a day or two ...