Wednesday, August 9, 2017

NMRA Partnership Program

The NMRA Partnership program or as some call it the discount program was a big announcement that gives another reason to join the NMRA 

***NMRA Partnership Program***

Today 8/7/2017 we are pleased to announce the launch of the NMRA Partnership Program offering discounts to our members. We will be adding more partners soon, but members can now take advantage of the following discounts:

Catzpaw Innovations - 10% 
Green Frog Productions - 20%
Larc Products - 10% 
Logic Rail Technologies - 10% 
Micro-Mark - 15%
Motrak Models - 10%
MRC - 25% off their 'Light Genie'
RR-CirKits - 15% 
Rusty Stumps - 10%
Unreal Details - 20%

Members can find the discount codes in our members only section of our website by following this link

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