Sunday, September 2, 2018

Meeting coming up September 8th, McDonald Estate, and 2 more Meetings

Looking forward to seeing y'all at the September 8th meeting of the James River Division of the NMRA in Farmville, VA

Rod Vance will be talking about Vinegar and the Pickle industry which are classics in Model Railroad lore.  Philip Taylor will do a short clinic on the new ProtoThrottle. After lunch Richard McClintock will present a program on the High Bridge followed by a guided tour led by Rod Vance.  A full day.  All the details are at this LINK

Ken Montero has updated the list of items from the John McDonald estate that are still available.  Please look and see if there are any items you can use or perhaps do a little early Christmas shopping.  The lists are in this folder
Two events are coming up in October that you need to put on your calendar.  The James River Rails Ops Weekend and the MER Convention in Rockville.

Hope to see you this Saturday at the meeting.

JRD Superintendent

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...