Monday, March 11, 2019

Good Meeting Last Saturday and Future Meets

We had a good meeting this last Saturday in Fredericksburg.  Though delayed due to weather in January it was worth the wait.  We were treated to Mat Thompson discussing tank car history and how he applied it to choosing cars for his layout.  Shannon Crabtree was voted in as Assistant Superintendent to fill in Ross's unexpired term.  Andrew Dodge brought the winning scratch built steam locomotive along with a scratch built Rotary Snowplow with incredible detail.  The tour of Ken Mead's very large HO layout was inspiring and amazing to see such long trains run with a signaling system.

Our next meet will be in Midlothian in May.  This will likely be the first Saturday in May which is a change.  Check back for more details in the coming week.  The next Modeling Theme is a critter which can be steam or diesel.  Please consider bringing one of your models in this category to the May meeting.

The June Layout Tour will replace the July meet.  More details will be forthcoming as we approach the date.

I was glad to see and talk to many last Saturday and those I missed last time I hope to talk to at the next meeting.

Philip Taylor
JRD Superintendent

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...