Saturday, November 14, 2020

Good Meeting Today

 It was a good day today for a James River Division meeting. We started at 9AM with just a few socializing and by the time the meeting started we had 16 of us in attendance.  George Gaige treated us to a clinic on how to install headlights in HO scale vehicles. George noted he has many vehicles with lights and saved a bundle by using his method which combined items he found on the internet and through experience.  There is a handout in the Handouts Page and a fuller explanation will appear in a future issue of Crossties.  Our next JRD meeting will be January 9th and our next hangout will be Friday November 27th. All JRD members and and friends of the JRD are welcome to attend the meetings.  Come join us

November 2020 Virtual Meet

 The November 2020 Meet for the James River Division will be virtual.  It will feature a social time prior to the meeting for members starting at 9 AM and a clinic starting at 10 AM on putting LED Headlights in HO Scale Vehicles.  The handout for it is Here. To attend the clinic please contact the Superintendent via email at - Please include your name and if you are a NMRA member though this is not required

Friday, October 16, 2020

Meeting Virtually

 We have now had one division meet virtually and several bull sessions using Zoom as out platform.  I am quite encouraged by the response.  Though it does not substitute for in person interaction it does allow us to keep up with each other and continue to grow relationships.  I hope to keep up the every other week sessions until the current restrictions lift and all feel safe to venture out.  Even after this point I hope you will give feedback whether we should continue these online sessions and with what frequency.  

On a personal note I want to say thank you for all the feedback on options for the floor plan of my anticipated new basement.  Lots of good ideas from years of experience by fellow members will hopefully prevent mistakes and increase enjoyment  

We still need a clinician for the next meeting in November along with a home tour.  Both items could be prerecorded with time for questions and answers.  If you are interested in filling either role please let me know

Thursday, May 14, 2020

NMRAx event this weekend

This Saturday the 16th of May there will be another NMRAx event from 6am to 6pm EDT on Facebook.  The first one was well received and the quality was outstanding for a first event and I expect this one will be an improvement over the last one.  The topics look good

Go to

James River Division Facebook Page

The James River Division maintains a Facebook page for those of you who Facebook.  If you are an NMRA member even if you are not in the JRD but want to keep up with us please join.

Just go to Facebook and search for James River Division. 

NMRA Clinics on YouTube

NMRA has a YouTube Channel in case you didn’t know which includes the recent NMRAx events that are free to the public.  There are more on the NMRA website in the members only area. Below is the link for the NMRA YouTube site


Thursday, April 30, 2020

NMRAx Virtual Event this weekend

There will be a virtual NMRA event under the NMRAx banner this weekend.  Currently these events are scheduled every 2 weeks on Facebook Live.  Some will be panel discussions and others are clinics held in series.  If you don’t Facebook the clinics and recordings will come to YouTube several weeks later.  The advantage of using this format is the cost is the time and effort for the volunteers with no cost to National, Regions or Divisions.  

   The Link is:

The links to the YouTube edited versions will be posted on our blog once they become available. 

Please avail yourself of these events.  I am endorsing these for our members and please invite those who are not NMRA members to view them as membership is not a requirement for attendance. 

During this trying time please be safe and follow best practices of hygiene

Philip Taylor
JRD Superintendent

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

2020 NMRA National Cancelled

The NMRA National Meeting in St Louis for 2020 has been cancelled due to concerns related to the current health crisis.  Most of you should have gotten an email from NMRA National by this time about the cancellation.  Please be safe and enjoy the hobby time while we work and wait through this turbulent time.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Meeting Updates due to Covid-19

The expanding health crisis in the US has led me to cancel all JRD events until September.  Our next meeting will be September 12 in Charlottesville.  The annual meeting is postponed until that event and the officers will continue to serve until that time.  The boxcar building group project will be delayed and it will be rescheduled once the current crisis clears.  Please be safe and hopefully we will all see each other again this September.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Next Meeting is Farmville

Folks our next meeting is in May in Farmville.  We all hope that we will be through the current health crisis by that time so the officers will plan for it.  It looks to be a good meeting though I am still short one clinic.  If you are up to giving one of 30 minutes please let me know.  We will have our postponed annual meeting including election of officers at that time.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Next Meeting?

The quickly evolving situation has forced not only many cancellations of meetings such as yesterdays James River Division meeting but many meetings through the end of April.  The officers of the JRD and their counterparts at the MER will keep you abreast of the impact of events on our scheduled meetings.

In the meantime we can use the downtime of self isolation to good use.  More time building the layout or models at the workbench.  I made a quick dash into Rail Tales to pick up some supplies and I know they or which ever supply place is close to you is still open or can ship to you what you need for your next project.

Enjoy the time and stay safe.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 14th JRD Meeting cancelled

The James River Division meet for Saturday March 14, 2020 is cancelled.  We will try to reschedule at a future time.  The next meeting is May 9, 2020 in Farmville.  The Annual Meeting of the membership of the JRD will be held at the Farmville meeting in May.

During this trying time please be safe and follow best practices of hygiene so we can all still get together in May and beyond.

Philip Taylor
JRD Superintendent

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Good meeting in Lynchburg

Good meeting yesterday in Lynchburg.  Chris Wiley did a great job challenging us to look at operations and its research differently.  He gave us an overview of the resources available at the Chesapeake & Ohio Historical Society which are available for other roads and historical societies even if they have other names for the resources.  Afterwards we were treated to Chris Wileys layout and Jim Moseleys layout.  I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did and plan to join us at Lake of the Woods in March.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Parking for Saturdays Meeting

The Church is the site of a funeral for a member of its community and has asked us to park in the back of the Church. Please leave the front lot, the street and the overflow lot across the street for mourners.  Thank you for your understanding

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

JRD Next Meeting

Next Meeting

January 11, 2020

Time: Doors open at 9 a.m. and we start at 9:30 a.m. 
Location:  Fort Hill, UMC, Lynchburg, VA

Clinic 1:  Researching Freight Operations on the C&O Railway
Clinic 2: What's Different about Ops

Modeling Theme: Coaling Tower's 

Layout Tours

Chris Wileys N Scale C&O James River Sub with CTC

Jim Moseley’s C&O Layout

Location:Lynchburg VA Next Meet: September 9, 2017

Fort Hill United Methodist Church
106 Oakridge Blvd
Lynchburg, VA 24502

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...