Thursday, December 9, 2021

NMRA President Gordy Robinson Interviewed

 In what I hope is the beginning of a long term trend Gordy Robinson the NMRA President was interviewed on Lionel Strang’s A Modelers Life.  It is worth listening to since Lionel in his own way even gives his friends a hard time while prying out information.  If you want to understand where we are going as an organization please listen.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Electronic Edition of NMRA Magazine Coming

 In a huge step forward the NMRA will be moving forward with the digital edition of the NMRA Magazine.  This will available to all members which is great news.  Life Members will still receive the print version along with the digital copy. Full announcement by Gordy Robinson

Monday, November 22, 2021

Coming up on the Holidays

 We are coming up on the holidays after the successful joint meeting with the Potomac Division.  There were many who helped out in so many positions to make this meeting a success.  If you have ideas for making it a better meeting please let one of the officers know your idea..  

We will be meeting next in January. The plan is to continue the Signal series and we are looking for one more clinic.  If you have an idea please let the Superintendent know about it.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Joint Meeting with Potomac Div This Saturday Nov 6th

 Just a reminder about the Joint Meeting with the Potomac Division this coming Saturday November 6th with the Potomac Division.  All the details are here

It will be a packed Saturday. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Meeting still on for the 11th of September

 Our next in person meeting is still on for September 11th.  Please note we are asking everyone to where a mask and those who are not vaccinated (2 weeks past final shot) must where a mask.  Please bring proof of vaccination with you by having the original CDC card, a photocopy or a digital copy on your phone. 

The JRD will provide supplies for weathering and should have a number of cars for you to use if you do not have one available.  

A this time the open house is still on but it is restricted to those who are fully vaccinated while Bob asks that all attendees please wear a mask while inside his house.  

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

July 10th Meeting Reminder


Looking forward to seeing y'all in person at the July 10th meeting of the James River Division of the NMRA in Orange, VA.  

The meeting will be at the former Southern Ry Orange Train Station which is now the Orange Visitors Center which you can find on Google Maps Here. In addition, a list provided by our hosts at the Orange Visitor’s Center of local places to eat which are beyond the fast food joints can be found with this link. I was sorry to see that Wise Guys closed (Burger Joint) but I am sure there are others which may interest you on the list.

Orange County Visitor Center

(540) 672-1653

Eating ideas

We will have the normal activities including the modeling theme which is flat car with a load.  We will have coffee, donuts, door prizes and the white elephant table.  Doors will at 9am with the meeting starting as close to 930 as possible.


Building a Retirement Model Railroad - Andrew Dodge.  A noted author who has had many articles published in the national magazines on his On3 DSP&P layout and his recent P48 Colorado Midland layout.  He is planning but transition current layout to a new geographic location but there is a new retirement layout which we will be hearing about in this clinic.  The needs of those heading into retirement matches very well with those who are much younger and coping with family needs and space restrictions who want more operation but can’t yet build that empire. 

Building a Car Together. The modeling theme is an important part of our regular meetings. This is not a contest but more the show and tell of the Railroad Prototype Modeler meetings where we show and tell about our modeling.   To further participation the JRD will distribute free of charge to all members who wish one a Accurail 4300 undecorated box car.  The only requirement is you build it and bring it back to show your progress or return it. We will be sharing about our in progress work at the September meeting in Charlottesville and the finish car in January 2022.  

For those who can’t be In Orange we will attempt to have a Zoom available session.  

Following the meeting we will adjourn to meet and catch up with each other.

There are no layout tours available for this meeting  

All the details are at the JRD website:

Hope to see you Saturday July 10th at the meeting.

Philip Taylor

JRD Superintendent

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Joint Build Box Car

 We are coming upon the Orange meet on July 10th where we will be distributing the Accurail 4300 series undecorated single sheathed outside braced box car. Each JRD member can receive one free car which retails for $19.95 each. The only rule is that you build the car and bring it to the be displayed at the appropriate meeting. If you don’t build the car you will need to return the car. How far you paint the car, decal or weather it is up to you. All that is asked is that you assemble it.  

Question about Modeling Theme

 There was a question about the modeling theme which is a flat car with a load. The car can have staked temporary sides but no ends. If it has ends it is now a gondola which is a different theme. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Orange Va Meet Eat and Swap Event

 July 10, 2021 Meet, Eat and Swap Event

Time: Doors open at 9 AM and meeting starts at 930 AM    
Location: Southern Train Station/Visitors Center, Orange Va

Due to recent changes in limitations we will be meeting in the Orange Train Station.  

Meeting Schedule

930 - Social Time

1000 - Clinic - Layout Considerations for Health as we age -  Andrew Dodge.  
Andrew is on his 3rd and 4th layouts now.  He is getting ready to relocate his existing P48 O Scale layout from Colorado to Maine.  Also, he has recently built an HO Scale retirement layout.  Many of us are facing health issues or we need to think about them as we plan not only for our future needs but for those who will be the operating crew for our layouts.  

Post Clinic

We will have a time for sharing and catching up after the clinic. 
Time for you to see if others have items they want to swap with you. 
Box Car joint build discussion 


Modeling Theme: Flat Car with a Load

Layout Tours/Open Houses : TBD 

Friday, April 23, 2021

JRD Hangout tonight April 23rd

 By now you should have your email invitation to the JRD hangout tonight which is April 23rd.  Sorry for the late notice but the week has gotten away from me.  If you have not gotten yours yet please contact the Superintendent

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

This Saturday's Meeting

 March 13, 2021 Zoom

Time: Doors open at 9 a.m. and we start at 9:30 a.m. 
Location:  Zoom - Contact Superintendent if you do not get an invitation

Clinic 1: Rod Vance DPM Structures for the Concorde Branch    
Clinic 2: George Gaige - Animating Atlas HO Water Tanks

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Friday, February 12, 2021

New Crossties Avaiable

 The February 2021 issue of Crossties is now available for your reading pleasure through this link

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Terry Terrance Releases his 2019 JRD/Potomac Division Clinic

 Terry Terrance has released his 2019 clinic from the joint meeting of the James River Division and the Potomac Division.  This clinic preceded the last open house of his now disassembled O Scale B&O West End layout.  If you missed this clinic it is well worth your time

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

NMRA January 23rd

 Take a look at the next NMRAx event on January 23rd

Great Meeting Last Saturday seeing Shannon Crabtree’s Virginia Midland

 The James River Division had a great meeting last Saturday virtually touring Shannon Crabtree’s Virginia Midland.  This 1980s prototype freelance short line goes from Fredericksburg to Orange long after the original line disappeared from the railroad scene.  Shannon has packed a large amount of operation into his layout. The four videos elicited quite a number of questions and comments. If you missed the meeting Shannon has posted the first video to You Tube  Please consider subscribing to Shannon’s feed on You Tube

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Moves and new Options

 A post from excellent modeler Trevor Marshall who has moved recently. This is something that seems to be happening to many of us.  New venues mean new opportunities.  

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...