Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Crossties for February is Out

 Have you read the latest issue of Crossties - The James River Divisions free bi-monthly magazine

Crossties February 2023

You may obtain your copy using the link above 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Wayland Slim Down Event

Earlier today an email went out with more items from Waylands slim down event. Lists D, E, H and K were updated with even more items at 5 pm. Please check the bottom of those lists.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

 Next Meet is Virtual Zoom Meeting on February 10th.  Login details will be sent via Email the week before to members and regular attenders.

1. Whats on the Workbench

2. Phil Taylor - Initial Thoughts on IVAR Benchwork from IKEA

3.  Your thoughts on the hobby

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...