Sunday, August 18, 2024

Next Meeting Sept 21 in Charlottesville at Rail Tales

 Next Meeting

Sept 21 - Charlottesville at Rail Tales


We are heading into the Fall and for the James River Division (JRD) that usually means a trip to
Charlottesville and Rail Tales. For the last several years we have been treated to a make-and-take
workshop by Bret Jones, who owns Rail Tales. By my recollection Bret has had a hand in building
dozens of layouts if not over a hundred layouts. Most of us are lucky to build one or two layouts. If
you build that many layouts, then you pick up a few skills. Add to that all the building of military
models and the tips and tricks learned from that community. This gives Bret quite a depth of
things to choose from for workshops.

For this year’s workshop we will be scratch-building a structure. The JRD will be offering this
clinic to all NMRA members with an advanced registration so Bret can have enough supplies.
The workshop will be available in N, HO, and O. We are not requiring a registration fee, but we
are requesting a donation of $15 for N or HO scale and $30 for O scale. Donations can be made at
the JRD meet in Charlottesville.

Bret says Participants will need: 

1.  Hobby knife with fresh blades 
2.  Metal straight edge (preferably scale ruler!)
3.  Cutting mat/board/surface
4.  Fine natural fiber brush you don’t care about (for glue). We will provide glue as part of the cost. 
5.  Options- Metal squares would be great
Rail Tales is going to include corner braces in the materials.

If you need any tools, you may contact Rail Tales (434) 984-1170. They will be happy to order the tools for you and have them ready for you to pay for and pick up before the meeting starts on Saturday,
September 21.

To register for the workshop during the JRD meet in Charlottesville on September 21, please use
the REGISTRATION LINK below no later than August 30. Again, advanced registration is
required so Bret can have enough

Layout Tours
1. T-Trak Module Setup at Rail Tales Workshop after Lunch
2. Bob Macionis - Rebuilt Layout.  -  Some of you missed this last time and have asked about seeing the revised layout

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