Monday, March 3, 2025

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)


Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch!

Layout Tour Location: RF&P Model Railroaders, Ashland, VA
Layout Tour starts at 930 AM Saturday March 8th

Lunch on your own

Meeting starts at 1 PM

Meeting  Location: Ashland Public Library Railroad Ave

Annual Meeting - Agenda - Motion to allow board to move bank account to new bank

Workshop One - Garth Groff - How to make your own Decals

How I use Ghost White Toner to make water-slide decals in a Hewlett-Packard laser printer, with emphasis on using Mac Pages software. Along the way I will explore sources for both free and purchased fonts, recommendations for paper, and hints on how to get the best results from the various tools and materials. Useful prototype lettering information will be included in the handout, but will not be discussed in the interest of time. A selection of my models will be on display.

I might add, this is NOT a hands-on clinic, but more of a lecture with examples and visual aids along with swag

Modeling Theme - Critter

We hope to see you there!!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Lunch & Layout and Zoom Meetings in February

This February will see 2 events. 

The first will a Lunch & Layout on February 8th starting at Noon.  Our starting point will be Fishn' Pig in Farmville - Menu.  Link for directions at Google.  The open house at Tully's will begin at 2 PM.  

The second event with be a Zoom gathering on the 12th at 7pm. Details will come via email a day or two in advance.

Great Meeting on Zoom last Saturday Morning

 We had a great meeting last Saturday I really appreciate Rick stepping up and doing his clinic on the use of signaling and LCC on his large HO Scale Layout.  The presentation generated a lot of questions and the ability to show the layout live throwing turnouts and changing sig We had over 20 participants.  

Thursday, January 9, 2025

January Meeting Moved To ZOOM

 The weather forecast for 2-4” of snow early Saturday has lead to changing the January James River Division meeting to Zoom. Check your email for the invitation and the login codes. Room opens at 8am and we start at 930AM  Hope to see you Saturday 

Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...