Events of Interest for JRD Members

Events in and near the JRD

Links to the events web pages for more information 


Charlottesville:  Every Friday lunch meeting of railroad fans (modelers, collectors, prototypers) at 12:30 pm in Charlottesville, Virginia, at a rotating list of restaurants. (This group talks about everything, not just trains) For more information, contact Ron Gareis at:
Richmond:  In the Richmond area, Robbie Alvis and Ken Montero are trying to organize an informal get-together of James River Division members on the second Saturday of even numbered months (JRD meets on the second Saturday of odd numbered months). The first meeting will occur on Saturday, December 12, at 9:00 am for coffee and conversation. Contact Ken Montero at or 804-794-5704 and let us know of your interest and any preferred place that you would like to meet.

Richmond:  Second Saturday of each month, from Noon to 5:00 pm, Richmond Freelance and Prototype Modelers and their subsidiary groups (N, HO, O-3rail) have an open house at North Ashland Plaza, U.S. 1 and Va. 54 highways (I-95 exit 92-B). This site is tucked in the back corner where the two wings of the strip mall meet.

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Next Meeting March 8th (This Saturday)

  Please Note the Reversed Order - Tour in the Morning and Meeting after Lunch! Layout Tour Location:  RF&P Model Railroaders , Ashland,...